Installation on React Typescript

Hi! I am having a hard time making the react typescript working with webix 6.0. Is there a proper documentation for the same? I have already gone through the github repo mentioned in the docs but its not helpful.


This discussion may be useful for you.

Also, this can help

Add the next section in webpack.config.js

plugins: [
	new webpack.ProvidePlugin({
		webix: path.join(__dirname, "node_modules", "@xbs", "webix-pro")

which will make webix available for all includes

Also, please beware, that we recommend to include webix.js through script tag, as this file is relatively big and will work better as a separate script, without bundling in the single app.js.

HI, I am using create-react-app so there is no webpack.config.js Moreover the documentation is too old as well as the repository as the new react version has deprecated some methods present in the repo code.

I really like webix UI but I am not able to use it easily with react.

@harshmaur: if you’re looking for a React-centric widgets/components toolkit, check out Blueprintjs. It’s written in TypeScript, has many components similar to the Webix ones, and its documentation is up-to-date.

@dandv I am actually looking for the complex widgets in webix. I could not find such things anywhere.

@Nastja I have already seen the docs, they arent helping me much with the latest react updates.