Fieldset label in 6.0

I am updating my web app to use version 6.0 and noticed that the label for every fieldset is now all caps. Please fix this. Thanks.


  .webix_fieldset legend {

every fieldset is now all caps

It’s done on purpose to match with “section” template, which is also capitalized. If it does not suit you, you can use the suggested workaround.

All caps is ugly and should never be used in UI. If someone wants all caps, they can type the label all caps. It should not be forced in your CSS. Please reconsider this in future versions. I already did the workaround.

See All Caps on UI: Good or Bad? | by Saadia Minhas | Prototypr for example. All caps is harder and slower to read.

Schriver, Karen in Dynamics in Document Design, page 275:

“When text is set in all capital letters, reading speed is slowed about 13 to 20 percent (Breland & Breland, 1944). Reading speed is optimal when uppercase and lowercase letters are used (Poulton, 1967; Rickards & August, 1975). When extra emphasis is needed, bold has been found to be a better cue than uppercase (Coles & Foster, 1975).”

Forcing all caps in any part of your user interface is bad design.