Can't properly change locale

Hello! I try to use the locale plugin to change the language dynamically. I have got a subview:

export default class HeaderView extends JetView {
    config() {
        return {
            view: "toolbar",
            id: "myToolbar", 
            css: "webix_dark",
            cols: [
                { view: "button", id: "LoadBut", value: "Load", width: 100, align: "left"},
                { view: "button", value: "Save", width: 100, align: "center" },
                { view: "button", value: "Info", width: 100, align: "right" },              
                    name: "lang", view: "segmented", optionWidth: 40, labelAlign: "right", label: "Language", options: [
                        { id: "en", value: "En" },
                        { id: "ru", value: "Ру" }
                    ], click: () => this.toggleLanguage()
    toggleLanguage() {        
        const langs ="locale");
        const value = this.getRoot().queryView({ name: "lang" }).getValue();
        if (langs.getLang() != value) {

It changes the language, but what happens is I always get this kind of errors: “Non unique view id” for several elements (not only on this subview).
What am I doing wrong?

Be sure to update Webix Jet to version 1.6.3
Version 1.6.2 has a known issue with app.refresh which can result in an error similar to one in your case.

Thank you! My fault )