Asp.Net MVC 6

I am new to Webix. I want to load a webix datatable in a mvc view with json-file.
The data are produced in a controller called QandAController.cs from a method called getQandA which returns a json-file.

In jquery I just can define url: “QandA/getQandA” and the data gets loaded when calling the view

InWebix this does not work, by setting breakpoints I see that the method never gets called.

How do I write the url or any necessary function to get the data loaded?

Can somebody help me please?

There is no real difference between jQuery and Webix in the data loading aspect


webix.ui({ view:"datatable", autoConfig:true, url:"QandA/getQandA"})



will load data similar to jquery call


Thanks a lot; I have an additional question (sorry I am new to webix): Is there a link to an example where i can see how to send a complete datatable to the controller (just a few records, but i need them to preprocess on serverside before update in SqlServer)?