Treetable rendering after pager and pager clone despite order of containers.

My treetable is loading on the page after the rest of the associated widgets, out of order with the container elements in my HTML. I have the same layout (minus the expand and close buttons) for a datatable on my site and that is working as expected. Any ideas how I can solve this?

JS File

webix.ready(function() { // Tree table config let tree = webix.ui({ view:"treetable", container: "pages-tree-table", id: "tree-table", css: "mx-auto mb-3", autoheight:true, width: parentPercent, fillspace: true, rowHeight: 60, drag: true, // Subject to change of name pager: "treePager", data: tableData, // for static data columns: columnsConfig

	`let treePager = webix.ui({
		view: "pager",
		id: "treePager",
		container: "treePager",
		// sets buttons for pager
		template: "{common.prev()} {common.pages()} {}",
		css: 'ml-3 my-3',
		animate: {
			subtype: "out"
		size: 10,
		group: 3

	// Pager clone
		container: "treePagerClone",
		template: "{common.prev()} {common.pages()} {}",
		css: 'ml-3 my-3',
		animate: {
			subtype: "out"

	// Toolbar with export buttons
	let exportToolbar = webix.ui({
		view: "toolbar",
		borderless: true,
		css: "ml-3",
		container: "pagesExportButtons",
		cols: [
				view: "button", type: "iconButton", icon:"mdi mdi-file-pdf", width:50, tooltip: "Export to PDF", click:function() {
					webix.toPDF($$("tree-table"), "pages_data");
				view: "button", type: 'iconButton', icon: "mdi mdi-file-delimited", width:50, tooltip: "Export to CSV", click:function() {
				view: "button", type: 'iconButton', icon: "mdi mdi-file-excel", width:50, tooltip: "Export to Excel", click:function() {
					webix.toExcel($$("tree-table"), {
						filterHtml: true

	// Close All button
		view: "button",
		label: "Close All",
		container: "close-all-button",
		tooltip: "Close all folders",
		autoheight: true,
		autowidth: true,
		click: function() {

	// Expand All button
		view: "button",
		label: "Expand All",
		container: "expand-all-button",
		tooltip: "Expand all folders",
		autoheight: true,
		autowidth: true,
		click: function() {



<div class="tree-table py-3" id="pages-tree-table"

Please check the sample:
You forgot to close the tag with pages-tree-table id. That’s why the clone pager was above the treetable view.