
When i create a webix.message not in the body but in any other element(config.container), it becomes impossible to confirm this message. In addition, the message is centered relative to the screen and not to the element to which it was rendered.


  1. Do modality only on the container
  2. Make the positioning of the message absolute instead of fixed
  3. Center relative to container


Thank you, but I want to render it in a certain place in the DOM. Also if you create more than 2 messages, and close one - the modality is lost.


We are revising modal boxes at the moment, so there will be several changes in the upcoming release.

if you create more than 2 messages, and close one - the modality is lost

This one will be fixed for sure.

And we will investigate into the container functionality and come up with some sane solution, as now it doesn’t seem to work correctly.