How to fix webix error maximum call stack size exceeded error

Hello Webix Team,
How to fix webix error maximum call stack size exceeded error. I am getting this error for webix datatable.


try to find exception source

my also!
look it happens in Validate / lostFocus / setFocus…
it happens only on Android.WebView not Windows (IE/Edge)

using Webix 6.3.3


Could you please provide a snippet where the issue can be spotted?

it solved. thanks
look event run multiple times. I added a property to check if its already running

btw i’m back to 6.2 instead of 6.3.
Too many changes in the UI (Buttons .button labels, toggle buttons).

This error is almost always means you have a problem with recursion in JavaScript code, as there isn’t any other way in JavaScript to consume lots of stack. Sometimes calling a recursive function over and over again, causes the browser to send you Maximum call stack size exceeded error message as the memory that can be allocated for your use is not unlimited.

Be considerate while calling functions , also dry run is the best practice to prevent them. It’s possible to cause infinite recursion in a fully promisified code, too. That can happen if the promises in a chain don’t actually perform any asynchronous execution , in which case control never really returns to the event loop, even though the code otherwise appears to be asynchronous. That’s when it’s useful to wrap your recursive function call into a -

setImmediate or

In some programming languages this can be solved with tail call optimization, where the recursion call is transformed under the hood into a loop so no maximum stack size reached error exists.

in my case,
if document has multiple datatables and autowidth=false then it happened.
I still haven’t solved it.

if I change the option autowidth=true then the error disappears. but, I need autowidth=false.