how to add dynamic tooltips


I am trying to add tooltips to datatable column as given in below snippet:

Inside datatable, I have column ‘Film Title’ where I am showing data from both the fields i.e. ‘title’ & ‘titlenum’. So for this column , I need to show tooltip for ‘title’ as ‘titledesc’ and for ‘titlenum’ as ‘titlenumdesc’.

However, I am not able to give seperate tooltip for title & titlenum.

I need to make sure that, on hover of title, it should give tooltip with titledesc &
on hover of titlenum, it should show tooltip with titlenumdesc.

Please suggest the best possible way to achieve this.


You can add the webix_tooltip attribute with the tooltip text to the HTML element. More information about the webix_tooltip attribute can be found here.

Please check the snippet: