Webix datatable pagination

Hello Webix team,


In above snippet I am trying to implement pagination, but not able to understand how in network it shows:count: 50

as I have given url as:
this.loadNext(10, 0, null,“https://docs.webix.com/samples/15_datatable/16_dyn_loading/data/data_dyn.php”);

  1. I want just want to fetch first 10 elements from backend.
  2. I have tried to insert new columns of checkbox to same datatable but its not working.
  3. Also I have added link and selectfilter to datatable column but its not working
  4. How to send data to loadNext method

Hello Webix team,

Please provide solution for this…

  1. For dynamic dataloading you should use datafetch and url

2/3/4 to change column-configuration after initialization you have to call refreshColumns(). refreshColumns will trigger onAfterRender which will lead to infinit loops if you use your current implementation.

Thank you

Hello Webix team,


In above snippet how can I fetch the whole service response as I need it for further processing.

the whole service response
do you mean the rest of data?

yes I want rest response in my snippet. If I use data.pull method I only get the table data, but I have one scenario in which I will need other keys of response

yes I want rest response in my snippet.
then do not use dynamic loading and load all of data at once.
or you can use custom proxy and pass extra required data from serverside in the response.

No I am ok with pagination,

I have response like

  "returnCode": 1,
  "total_count": 1,
  "pos": 0,
  "data": [
      "developmentStage": "Mule",
      "updatedDate": "Wed Apr 03 12:24:37 IST 2019",
      "Id": "SubProject:3",
      "model_lbl": "YL1",
      "reliabilityPlan": "YL1 E15 5MT Mule",
      "createDate": "Wed Apr 03 12:24:21 IST 2019"
  "result": {
    "islink": "1",
    "searchname": "Reliability Planner",
    "columnconfigurations": [
        "columnfilter": "ComboBox",
        "key": "reliabilityPlan"
        "columnfilter": "ComboBox",
        "key": "model_lbl"
        "columnfilter": "ComboBox",
        "key": "developmentStage"
    "checkboxrequired": "0",
    "link": "reliabilityPlan"

And my pagination and table data binding is working fine, but I have one scenario in which I want my response. result field. How can I fetch it? And my loadNext callback is not working

I guess you want to change your datatable configuration based on your response.

You could define a custom component with an $onLoad method. It’ll get called before the data is parsed. If you return false it’ll skip parsing.

Be aware that there isn’t an $onLoad method used by the datatable currently and if that changes in the future, you’ll may have to call the default one inside yours.

Basic implementation: https://snippet.webix.com/ahtjjn11