img in Datatable

In this issue =>,
a solution for uploading pictures was advised.

  1. Is it still relevant?
  2. Was it so conceived that with each change of focus, a new query will be produced?

Hello @lBeJIuk ,

Is it still relevant?

Yep, but I can recommend using base64 encoding for image data and on client side use a template which will place the base64 encoded data as image source.
Something like

    {id:"image", header:"Image", fillspace:true,  template:function(obj){
        return "<img src='<--!base64 image from data-->'/>"

Was it so conceived that with each change of focus, a new query will be produced?

It’s normal behaviour. Template of visible elements is rendered even after selection, so img src will always make a request for an image using the link.

Please check the sample: