How to have auto suggest in data table column filter ?


I have a datatable as below with some dropdown in the column filter.


For the Name and Nation column, I would like to trigger a auto suggest list comprising of all the present values in the table for that column so that I can click and pick them without typing the whole string.

If I select a particular string, the auto suggest will show a reduced list matching/having that string only.

But I do not want any dropdown menu for those columns like Medal and Category.


try to use selectFilter instead of textFilter.
items will be populated from existing values.

It works!
However, I want little different than this. ‘selectFilter’ gives a drop down’.
Instead, I want the list to be shown if I put the cursor in the column filter text box. As I write something the list should narrow down.

Is that possible to write such custom filter, if yes, please let me how ?


check this

Hi intregal,

It is working,

but I am little sorry,

if I use this extended filter where I load the table data by a button, it is not working.

snippet: (check ‘Name’ column which is textSuggestFilter)

Is there any specific way I should use it in this case ?


check this

thanks it works cool!

could you please pass me any reference (webix link) to write such capability?