define columnCount and onAfterEditStop don't work

1)the “state.value” always == “state.old”
Is it a bug?

  1. didn’t define the col counts by order
    expected result in this demo: Tab 1: 3 columns;Tab 2: 6 columns;Tab 3:12 columns;

  2. I have a question, when paste some values to a range cells,trigger which event, I need to know the current values and old values after paste ,thank you a lot!

Hi @zzhang

  1. This is caused by the internal logic of the spreadsheet. You can try onCellChange event

  2. You should use onBeforeSheetShow event


  1. Check this sample:

hi Dima_S,
thank you so much!

  1. I feel so careless,thanks agian.

3)User may paste a range of cells or multiple rows/columns,I need to know these pasted cells’ rowIndex and colIndex rather than compare all cell’s data to get them, how can I do that by a easy way?

new 1)when number format is defined to be Percent, I need to show 5% rather than 500% when user keyin 5 and limit a min value and max value, thanks.


  1. You can use getSelectedId(true) or getSelectedRange() on onKeyPress event.

  2. The only way is to change cell value.

to limit value you can attach onCellChange or onAfterEditStart, check this discussion