Please help on treetable toexcel

Hi all, how to export a treetable widget to excel rendering rows more than two levels?

Thank you


Do you mean smth like this: ?

Nastja many thanks for the reply. I forgot to mention that I have the webix version 5.2.3.
However I replaced my code and data in your snippet 6.3.1 and it works fine but not setting with 5.2 version.

Maybe I have to set the CDN variable?

We fixed the described problem in Webix version 6.3

Correct tree hierarchies export

So if you want to get a correct view of the tree you need to update the version to 6.3

Also, I need to admit that we have flatTree property


Thank you very much, I resolved with flatTree property

One last thing, I’m used to export to excel by collection like this:

var collection = new webix.DataCollection({
 url: "someurl",
 on: {
  onAfterLoad: function () { 
   webix.toExcel(collection).then(function () {

it does not works for treetable data (hierarchical data), is there a way to do it?


did you try the same with webix.TreeCollection ?

Thank you intregal, it works very well (next time I have to search in-depth in the documentation before posting questions)