Search is not working for webix combo editor in datatable


In this snippet if I enter substring “70” in Released column which is present in corresponding column combo list. It provides no result.

I am trying achieve partial search for combo editor of datatable.

Please provide solution.

try to define the column as below

      { id:"year", editor:"combo", suggest: {
        data: years,
        filter: function(item, value) {
          var type = this.getList().type;
          return type.template(item, type).indexOf(value)>-1;

this way would be better

      { id:"year", editor:"combo", suggest:{
        filter: function(item, value) {
          var type = this.getList().type;
          return type.template(item, type).indexOf(value)>-1;
        }}, collection:years, header:"Released" , width:100},

Thanks for the solution

{ id:“year”, editor:“combo”, suggest:{
filter: function(item, value) {
var type = this.getList().type;
return type.template(item, type).toLowerCase().indexOf(value.toLowerCase())>-1;
}}, collection:years, header:“Released” , width:100},