Revert change in cell in datatable after edit


I want to revert all changes made while editing after onAfterEditStop, but I can’t seem to make it work.
I tried reverting the change using editCancel() but it doesn’t change the value back, tried with undo(), also doesn’t work…

please suggest a way to revert changes made while editing…

did you try this?

Use “undo:true” config to datatable while creating, it should work.

Hey @ShaharKidronShamir, they are exactly right, undo() should work perfectly fine for a datatable, but you have to ensure that you have your undo property set to true so your datatable can actually track the change history. Please ensure that your datatable has undo: truein the properties and the following example should work:

thank you, adding undo: true resolved the issue :slight_smile: