copy formula from one sheet to another


I want to implement functionality where I if I change formula on cell in one sheet , it should reflect in another sheet.

Can you provide me any reference?

Priyatama Bhadke

Hey @priyatama, if I understand you correctly, here’s one way you could do this - simply by referring to your formula from another sheet. This way, if you change your formula in sheet 1 or any of the values that affect it, the changes will be reflected in your linked formula in sheet 2.
Please take a look at this snippet and tell me if that’s the result you wanted to achieve. Note that sheet 2 contains the reference to your formula from sheet 1(A1):

While you can use onCellChange event, to catch the formula modification

$$("s1").attachEvent("onCellChange", function(r, c, v){

there is no way to set value in non-active sheet, so there is no way to alter formula in other sheet. ( coping formula to some other cell in the current sheet is possible )

Hey @Dzmitry - It copies reference of a cell to another sheet. What I am trying acheive here is , If In sheet1 c3 I have result of b3+a3. Then In sheet2 If I change C3 as B3-a1 then this should get updated in sheet1 too

Oh, my bad, I get it now, thank you for the clarification! As Maksim has mentioned, I don’t think there is a way to modify the non-active sheet in that manner.