is possibile to export a template to pdf ?

Hey @giulioamato. Yes, it is indeed possible to export a template to PDF, please take a look at this example - https://snippet.webix.com/56vmuc2y. If you would like to learn a bit more about the subject, you can read the following article - https://blog.webix.com/how-to-get-pdf-reports-from-webix-apps-in-the-most-convenient-way/.

@Dzmitry its work for version 5.0.0 ???
i try but…

webix_debug.js:40735 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘0’ of undefined
at getExportScheme (webix_debug.js:40735)
at webix_debug.js:40700
at webix_debug.js:251
at webix_debug.js:1281
at promise.thennable (webix_debug.js:1252)
at promise.fire (webix_debug.js:1268)
at webix_debug.js:1182

Hello @giulioamato,

its work for version 5.0.0 ???

Unfortunately, the aforemetnioned feature (export view as an image) has not been introduced up until Webix 6.2. Please use the following workaround to export any view as an image (including templates) - https://snippet.webix.com/fhitsa0k.