Webix pivot configuration


I have my webix code like below


When i click on the “Click to configure” a window having pivot configuration appears.

In the filters section ,I have name and year filters

I wanted the name filter to be selected mandatory . I dont want to remove it from the filter and i when i click on the multi-select option beside name it shows me options like select,text,datepicker i dont want any of these to be populated.

How can i do that?


Could you please help me ?

Can anybody help please?


Please help me to how can i achieve this…? … Is it possible to make the filter mandatory? and remove the drop down options in the filter(select,text,datepicker)?

is the above requested feature supported in webix …?:frowning: :frowning:

does the above requested feature supported in webix …?:frowning: :frowning:


Webix Pivot does not allow configuring the components in its Popup.

However, you can achieve your requirement by blocking click actions for the desired filter ( “name”, if I have understood you correctly ).

You can use the onPopup event to make sure the popup is ready, then access the needed list and block mouse events for “webix_link_selection” and “webix_pivot_minus” areas within the list item that shows “name” filter.

Please check the related snippet https://snippet.webix.com/vcxzka6p


Thanks for your answer. I Wanted to remove the cross(x) also for name filter alone.

How can i do that?

You can add some “no-remove” CSS class for the related list item and add visibility:hidden to the stylesheet:

 popup.$$("filters").attachEvent("onAfterLoad", function(){
   var obj = this.find(function(obj){ return obj.name == "name"; })[0];
   if(obj) obj.$css = "no-remove";


In the above code in the name filter .Similary to selectAll i want to have unselectAll option so that when the user clicks on the UnselectAll i wanted to unselectAll the selected items in the name filter.

How can i do that???


Currently for the above name filter if we want to select All the countries and if we click on the selectAll we can see unselectall option

But i want to have a customization like even if one country is selected in the filter i wanted to have a UnselectAll option.

How can i do that?


Can anybody help please?


i have tried config.options.unselectAll = true but no luck

can you please help me in this

@Listopad @Helga @Dzmitry

Can anybody helpme out please?