How to add a new custom function to all records in add datatable like toString()?

Is there any override?

actually I need to add below function to all records in datatable. Since lot of other frame work existing code using this scenario to get fields data.
get: function() {
return this.XYZ;

Hey @webix_B_123, you can achieve this with the help of scheme, where you can apply a new property on $init containing your function to all the records in the data store. Here’s an example:

Ohh that’s nice…
Already in “scheme” I am using “$change”. If I use both “$init” and “$change” both will right?

scheme: {
$change: function() {…}

Here I observed. if I add “$init”, “$change” is not calling.

In $change I am changing row $css. May be we can achieve this in $init?

Is it possible to call both functions? since we are doing some functionality on record change/update ("$change").

if you use $init, then $change will not be called on item init.
if you use $update, then $change will not be called on item update.
you can use $change only and put some flag to item to know that it is initialized

    $change: function(item){
        if(item.__init__) {
                //do update
        } else {
            item.__init__ = 1;
                //do init

Ohh That’s fine