Большой объем данных / large amount of data

Ситуация следующая: развернули на сервере spreadsheet во всем его великолепии и никак не получается скормить ему большой объем данных из файла .xls. 32 тысячи строк на любом из браузеров вытягивает с трудом, если больше - просто не подает признаков жизни. Подскажите, пожалуйста, пути обхода таких ограничений? Ресурсов достаточно.

The situation is the following: deployed on the server spreadsheet and can not use a large amount of data from the .xls file. 32 thousand lines on any of the browsers make it difficult, if more - after a while returns an empty sheet. Can you please tell me how to circumvent such restrictions? There are enough resources.

Hey @artwodeetwo (love the name btw), one thing you could try is resetting your excel styles that you are importing alongside your data. For example, you can delete all of the styles upon file loading inside your spreadsheet widget: https://snippet.webix.com/g4uulopw (alternatively you can clear your styles in the excel file itself: https://excelribbon.tips.net/T012259_Deleting_Unwanted_Styles). Please note that the first option is a more preferrable solution.
Please notify us when you’ve tried this out and tell us if this helped or not. If you’re still having issues at that point, please contact us at support@webix.com and send us the file (that is, if you are willing to do so) you are trying to parse so we can look a bit more in-depth into the core problem.

@Dzmitry, thx for the quick response. We did this first and did not help. I send the file to the specified mail

Hi once again, @artwodeetwo, currently in the snippet above we remove the default styles upon the file loading to our spreadsheet. One extra step towards optimizing this process further would be removing the styles before the file even loads by simply not even allowing them to be parsed. We can implement this by modifying one of our cdns that is responsible for importing/exporting our sheets, with a single line of code that disallows default styles to be parsed (we’d be setting cellStyles to false).
I’ve already included the file you would need here (copy the contents of this pastebin to a .js file). All you need to do now is to specify your custom cdn, you can do this as described here - https://docs.webix.com/desktop__data_components_export.html#exportingdataoffline.


The main performance killer is the XLS parsing time.
The same data converted to CSV takes about 4 second to load and render ( it still quite a lot )

I don’t see how we can optimize parsing time for such huge file. The best strategy will be to convert XLS to CSV or to JSON on server side, before loading into the spreadsheet.

We have an alternative excel parser for spreadsheet, which understands only XLSX format and work only in modern browsers ( will not work in IE8-11 ) For your file it takes about 15 second to parse and render data, which is still not acceptable for normal UX

@Dzmitry , @maksim , thanks for the support, we will try different options. Have a nice day! You breathtaking :wink: