Modal Window

When opening a window in modal mode, it is still possible to navigate and change the page.
How to reproduce:

  1. write something in textInput
  2. press enter
  3. press shift+tab
  4. press shift+tab
  5. press tab
  6. write something in textInput

Hey @lBeJIuk, I can confirm the issue, thank you for the detailed bug report! We will try to resolve it in the nearest future.

@Dzmitry Hi. Looks like version 7.1 has this bug back and got worse.

Hey @lBeJIuk,

Looks like version 7.1 has this bug back and got worse.

Unfortunately, the bug hasn’t been fixed as of yet (which is why I’m not sure what you mean by “the bug is back”, since it persisted up until the current version).

@Dzmitry Strangely, on I switch to version 7.0 and i don’t get this bug =)


Strangely, on I switch to version 7.0 and i don’t get this bug =)

I am talking about the original bug here. If you try to reproduce the issue step-by-step on 7.0 you are still able to access the input below the modal layer. That said, if you are talking strictly about the error that occurs when trying to reproduce the same issue on 7.1 - that is new, and most likely has to do with the recent adjustments to the modality logic (unrelated to this specific bug). The fix in question is already in the testing stage, and might come out in one of the next minor releases, although I still can’t really give you a specific timeframe.