hidden bug

function modal_key(e) {
	  var count = modalbox.order.length;

	  if (count > 0 && message.keyboard) {
	    e = e || event$1; //has to be `event` instead of `event$1`
	    var code = e.which || event$1.keyCode; //has to be `e` instead of `event$1`
	    var lastModalbox = modalbox.pull[modalbox.order[count - 1]];
	    if (code == 13 || code == 32) callback(lastModalbox, true);
	    if (code == 27) callback(lastModalbox, false);
	    if (e.preventDefault) e.preventDefault();
	    return !(e.cancelBubble = true);

while this bug affects old browsers only, the problem is that similar bugs are possible in other places too.
afaics this bug is occurred because of es6 import misusage.

Hi @intregal

while this bug affects old browsers only

Could you please provide more specific information on the problem and which browser (maybe a specific version of IE) can be used to test it?
During the building Webix code from sources, the event method (which is available in public API as webix.event) is correctly (as far as I can see) renamed to event$1 for usage in the inner logic.

Hi @Listopad
yes, old versions of IE (< 9) and (may be) some mobile browsers may suffer from this bug

e = e || event$1; //has to be `event` instead of `event$1`
var code = e.which || event$1.keyCode;

in this code event$1 should point not to webix.event, but to window.event.
moreover, in the second line, there should be e.keyCode instead of event.keyCode

Yep, thanks for reporting the issue.

That was a regression from migration to es6 code, fix will be included in the next
minor build.