
How to use Intl.DateTimeFormat in datatable.
As ECMA-402 internal support in ES6.

    id: "columnId",
    format: new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en"/*your locale*/, {/*format parameters*/}).format

Thank so much for your fast replay. Still can not solve as your advice.
This code can show correct Intl date for my locale but I can not use format as your code.

console.log(new Intl.DateTimeFormat(‘th-TH’).format(date));

Would you please show me in snippet and add Intl date picker.

Hey @Riht, if you simply wish to display the dates in your selected format, then there should be no issues: However, when it comes to applying the format to the datepicker itself, unfortunately, it only supports Gregorian calendar, meaning it won’t properly work with any other calendar, the only thing you could change in the current datepicker would be the header and only header:

Thank you so much. It work as wish.