css handling of "selectAll" property in multiselect view


I have added selectAll property as testing.
I’m trying to handle css of selectAll property.
“select All”(checkbox + label) appears differently from select list ex) options:{ data:[…] }.
Its CSS seems fall apart.
I tried several ways but couldn’t make it.

need some guide please.

my sample codes here
id: row[_this.valueField],
value: row[_this.displayField]
optionsTest[‘data’] = options;
optionsTest[‘selectAll’] = true;
… return

Hey @Wndr, do you mean you want to get access to the selectAll element via CSS? If so, the selectAll button of a suggest inside the multiselect view has a class name of .webix_checksuggest_select_all, knowing that you can style the button appropriately: https://snippet.webix.com/pc43hgiz.