Load data from URL with Open Maps

Hi, I have this code
my problem is I need to load data from a POST call, but the data is not showing in the map, also I get this error:
TypeError: Cannot read property ‘each’ of undefined

Hey @Hellekin, in this case your variable clients is returning a promise, which you have to wait for to resolve, and only then will you be able to parse the data coming from the response. The correct form would look something like this:

var clients = webix.ajax().post("//localhost:3000/webapi/clientes", { codemp: state }, "json");

clients.then((data) => { //wait for the promise to resolve
   view.parse(data.json()) //data.json() will return the data in the JSON format

view in this case will be the Open Maps widget.

As for the

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘each’ of undefined

this is referring to the line 43 in the snippet:

      clients.data.each(item => {

Where clients is a promise in this case and doesn’t have a method each.

Hi, @Dzmitry I trying to use this code:

var clients = webix.ajax().post("//localhost:3000/webapi/clientes", { codemp: state }, “json”);

    clients.then((data) => {
        this.$$("map").getMap(true).then(function (map) {
            data.each(item => {
                var marker = L.marker([item.latcli, item.loncli]);

but the data is not showing in the map, please help

try to change data.each to data.json().forEach

    clients.then((data) => {
        this.$$("map").getMap(true).then(function (map) {
            data.json().forEach(item => {
                var marker = L.marker([item.latcli, item.loncli]);