Webix pivot footer click


I have a webix code like below


When selected on footer i wanted to display an alert.

How can i do that?

Hey @prasadraju, there is no straightforward way to handle this. With a header, it would be possible to listen for an onHeaderClick event, but, unfortunately, there is no similar event for a footer ('onFooterClick" of sorts).

So the only event that will be triggered in this case is the global onClick, which you can listen for: https://snippet.webix.com/366dz4oa (essentially using the same principle as seen from intregal’s reply in a similar thread you’ve posted).

As a more convenient alternative, instead of listening for a global onClick, you can listen for an onClick eventof the Pivot inner datatable with a certain CSS class. For instance, the footer has a CSS class named .webix_ss_footer, which is exactly what we are going to be listening for: https://snippet.webix.com/wx7vnsr8.


Can you answer this?
