Drag into textarea at cursor position

I tried https://snippet.webix.com/36cldp89 first, but handlers do not get called.

Then, I tried https://snippet.webix.com/3igf1gd5

Now handlers work, except $dragOut.

The code that tries to insert the text into the textarea does not work in the snippet preview, but does in my local dev environment.

Can you please suggest how I can get this working.

I need to drop the value of a list item into a textarea at cursor position.
It would be nice if when I am over the textarea it is highlighted.

Good looking article that lists all the various approaches. Will play with that and report here.


I also need to find out how to destroy the drop events.

Inserting code above works.

One has to explicitly accept or reject the drag, in the $dragIn handler. (Had copied old code.)

Additional note. My textarea is in a webix-jet popup window. The inputNode is not available until after one calls show().

This now works.


If anyone is interested in a webix-jet example let me know. I can make a sample.