onEditorChange does not fire in Safari, FireFox

See here. In Chrome the alert pops up correctly.

I guess it did work in earlier times.

Hey @chris,

We’ve confirmed the issue, thank you for the report! The bug should be fixed in one of the future releases.

Hi @Dzmitry

Has this been resolved? I’m currently using version 5.1.3 which does not work on safari version 14.

Hello @suykim21 ,
I apologize, but so far, I must admit that it is still in development and I do not have any estimates regarding the release of the fix.

Same problem with Firefox and webix UI v.8.3.0.
Is there an alternative or workaround ?

Hello, @LucVV

Unfortunately, we have to confirm, that this now problem still exists.
It seems the order of tab-related events have changed and native onchangefire at different time.
As far as I can see it will fire at the same time when native onchange fires, which will be the moment when the user moves focus outside of text input by click or by tab hotkey, but in the case of datatable it will result in editor closing, so you can have the same result by using onBeforeEditStop event.

If you need to catch any minor editor modification, it better to use a different native DOM event.