fillspace is not working in dataTable

hi, i have a one question for datatable. I used to datagrid in my project and i want to fill empty space. So, fillspace in grid option.
But is not working…

To sum up, i want to function or method instead of fillspace. How can i solve this problem?

Hey @JUSTE, could you please provide more insight into the issue you are having? An example of what you have tried would be nice to have, you can provide a code sample via our snippet tool.

Please check the following snippet to see the fillspace property in action - You can read more about it from this article.

Hi, Dzmitry.
Before I was ask you this problem.
Actually, We use Inheritance webix.js.


if (typeof x.columns === “object”) {
var a = x.columns;
console.log(a[0].fillspace + " " + a[0].id);
a[0].fillspace = true;
console.log(a + " " + a[0].fillspace);
var c = [];
var p = 0;
var m = 0;
if (x.rowNoYn === “Y”) {
if (isNotEmpty(q.selectTp) && q.selectTp !== “NONE”) {

That ‘a’ is array of grid columns. And 1st console.log result is ‘undefined’.
2st console.log sentence result is ‘true’, but is not working.

So, how can i apply fillspace option in datagrid columns?? Just in that code.

there is no way??
I really want to applying fillspace option in datatable in that case.

Do you create your custom datatable component? It should work if you define the configuration in the $init function.


if you want to define it after initialization you have to call refreshColumns() afterwards