Error on close tab

Hi, in 6.4 version of webix, i had this function that creates tabs dyn:

header: “” + (id == undefined ? “text” : “text”) ,
body: {
view: “iframe”, id: webix.uid(), src: “source_page” ,
type: {
height: 60
close: true
window.parent.$$(“tbView”).getTabbar().setValue(window.parent.$$(“tbView”).getTabbar().data.options[window.parent.$$(“tbView”).getTabbar().data.options.length - 1].id);

But with the new changes, when it’s fine when i create tabs but when i try to close them i get this error:
webix.js:28416 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘disabled’ of null
at result.$setValue (webix.js:28416)
at result.setValue (webix.js:26740)
at result._setNextVisible (webix.js:11822)
at result.removeOption (webix.js:11811)
at result.webix_tab_close (webix.js:26941)
at Object. (webix.js:3176)
at Object.callEvent (webix.js:671)
at callEvent (webix.js:734)
at HTMLBodyElement. (webix.js:3460)

So… Is it a bug? or there is another way to do this

Hello @Dalaz, that is indeed a bug. As it happens, the bug has already been fixed as of the version 7.0.2. If you are unable to update to the latest version for some reason, you can use the following workaround, which extends the default tabbar component:

Thanks, I downloaded the new update