Upload file from uploader view

Hi Webix Team,

I want to upload file without using send() and autosend:true,

I am collecting data as [var dataFromUploader=$$(“fileRecords”).files.data.pull ]

Does $$(“fileRecords”).files.getItem(file_id).file file object contain any binary data of file which I can send to server?

Or any other way to get uploaded file data?

Please reply.

Hey @Prarthana,

I want to upload file without using send() and autosend:true,

It is possible to read the file data as binary using the onAfterFileAdd handler, which receives the file object which you can work with. For example, you can create an instance of a FileReader object and use its readAsBinaryString method: https://snippet.webix.com/hgquv9ui. After that, you can make a server request with the specified data.

Thank you.