Multiview cell with multiple views


I’m using the sidebar and multiview to switch between views/pages. I want to display multiple views for each item on the sidebar (ie. toolbar and grid). How can I do this?


Hello @sigipa,

I’m using the sidebar and multiview to switch between views/pages. I want to display multiple views for each item on the sidebar (ie. toolbar and grid). How can I do this?

If you’d like to preserve the current layout, the best way to go about this is to implement a multiple level structure inside of your sidebar (the data property signifies a new sub-level). You can show the correct views depending on the currently selected node, for example:

You can take a closer look at the multilevel data loading format in this article.


That is not exactly what I meant. I want to show multiple views/widgets to the right of the sidebar. For example, When I click a sidebar item, it would show a toolbar, datagrid, and footer. Maybe the multiview is not the right thing for this. I want to show something like a separate page with its own layout when the sidebar item is clicked. I hope this makes sense. Sort of like the inventory app demo, but without webix jet.


You can store any complex layout inside of a multiview cell just as easily:

Basically, template is simply used as an example, every cell of a multiview is basically a separate Webix view, with no restrictions to the complexity of the overall layout (the only issue is, the overall structure will be a bit bulky without the use of Webix Jet).


Thanks. I figured it out. I was storing my views in variables to address the bulkiness issue and I didn’t understand how to do that correctly. All is working now.
