Pass params from one table to another in a new windows

Hi Everyone, I need to show a datatable that require 2 params, I need to pass one param from my datatable to the window and then show another datatable with this parameters but my datatable doesn’t show the data, I using this code in the datatable.

var state =“state”); // 01
var transaccion =$$(“numtra”).getValue(); //‘MV001458’;
return webix.promise(function(res){
res( webix.ajax().post("//localhost:3000/webapi/ordenesVendedorLista", { codemp: state, numtra: transaccion }, “json”));
What is the best way to do it?
Also, I have this code:

try to use this code

  var state ="state"); // 01
  var transaccion = $$("numtra").getValue(); //'MV001458';
  return webix.ajax().post("//localhost:3000/webapi/ordenesVendedorLista", { codemp: state, numtra: transaccion });

you don’t need to wrap ajax call into promise. it only messes the code.
why do you use “json” as third argument?
AFAIK this is wrong, as there can be either optional callback or master object for callback.