ui.calender style issue in google chtome

Dear webix team!
I’ve faced an issue of displaying first row of dates in ui.calendar at new version of chrome browser (version 77.0.3865.120). The first row is shifted down regarding it’s right position. This issue is reproducable on webix version <7.0. I can’t update webix on my project due to compatibility problems. Could you suggest some css patch to solve this bug?

Hey @azharinov,

I’ve faced an issue of displaying first row of dates in ui.calendar at new version of chrome browser (version 77.0.3865.120). The first row is shifted down regarding it’s right position. This issue is reproducable on webix version <7.0

You are right, this has been an issue with one of the latest releases of Chrome. As you might’ve already noticed, the issue has been fixed as of Webix 7.0.

I can’t update webix on my project due to compatibility problems. Could you suggest some css patch to solve this bug?

Since you are not able to update, please employ the following workaround (note the CSS): https://snippet.webix.com/xbe1s06s.

Thank you!