Pseudo TAGs in property view

Hi team,

I would use pseudo tags in property view so I did what to prepare the popup and it works

cf snippet :

when we write tag in input text, it finds occurences in datatables and if we press enter, it creates a new tag if it dosn’t exist in datatable

cf console.log

When i use this code to create an property’s editor and when i press enter in the input search it closes the popup instead of create a new tag

cf snipet :

how could we disable this behavior please ?

If i click outside the popup the data is saved in property view : it works

how could we save the popup result when we click on the button please ?
i tried popup.close() and popup.hide() without succes

Hi @XavierDP,

How could we disable this behavior?
You can override the linkInput method, which is responsible for binding the keyboard navigation event.

How could we save the popup result when we click on the button?
In this case, you can call the global event “onEditEnd”, which closes all open editors and saves the results.

Please, check the snippet:

Thank you very much @Dentsu