Multicombo with confirm-button

Hi everybody,

atm I am using a multicombo with the “onChange” event.
I would need an event that is only fired, when a “Confirm Selection”-button inside the multicombo drop down is fired.
With “button: true” I can see a button but I can’t hang in on its event. :frowning:
So I tried to add a button, but it’s not working:

Can anyone help here?

[Or when this is not possible then an event that is fired when the drop down is closed.]

You can add an extra event listener (for example: onItemClick) to this button after init:
Suggest relies on the order of inner views, so .addView(config, 1) will trigger error for getting/setting value in suggest.
Custom elements can be added to the end of layout:

Thank you very much. The first link worked pretty good.
I still would something like an “onClosed” event.
When the user picks two new items and doesn’t click on the select button, but clicks ‘somewhere else’, the menu closes, nothing is fired and the multicombo element show the wrong items.
Is there some way to achieve this? I experimented with ‘onBlue’ but it wasn’t working as expected.

Hey @MySpace,

I still would something like an “onClosed” event.

You can listen for the onHide event of the inner suggest, which would be analogous to a onClosed event of sorts -

Awesome. Thank you very much. Made my day!