Unexpected behaviour for OnItemClick on radio buttons

Hi, when attaching to OnItemClick event for a radio button, I get two events if clicking on the label and one if clicking on the bullet.
Is this the intended behviour or a bug?


I know I could use the onChange event, but I would need to have the clicked id, instead of the values.

Thank you

Hello @mabiuso,
By default, browser “click” on input on event click on label(focusing at it) - this is feature which repeats the behavior of nativeinput with label:

  <label for="test">Click here</label>
  <input type="text" name="test" id="test" value=""><br>

Using onChange, you can get all information except for e.target (still, the HTML of an option can be found by its id in conponent’s node).
Please check the snippet:

Hi Anna,
thank you for your reply. I will change my code accordingly as it’s perfect for my use.

P.S. You should really add that getOption method example wherever usable in the docs. It’s not clear at all how that method can be used inside an event callback (see https://docs.webix.com/api__link__ui.radio_getoption.html )