Dynamic options for combo editor in datatable

I need the list of options for combo editor in datatable to be created dynamically, when the editor opens. The list of options depends on the row being edited, so each time the editor opens (in the same column) it should receive dynamically created list of options, specific for the current row.
How to do it?

Hello @maug,

I need the list of options for combo editor in datatable to be created dynamically, when the editor opens. The list of options depends on the row being edited, so each time the editor opens (in the same column) it should receive dynamically created list of options, specific for the current row.

It is possible to dynamically redefine the current list of combo options for the whole column with the help of the onBeforeEditStart event. Here is a general example adjusted to suit your use case - https://snippet.webix.com/psfg58yw.

Needless to say, parsing a set of options for the whole column every time you want to edit an item is not the most optimal solution. In some cases it is possible to implement a solution with a single set of options that can be filtered after the editing process starts , for example - https://snippet.webix.com/mtfi0tou. In your particular case it does seem like filtering options is not a feasible solution (although I can’t be sure of the exact implementation on your end, which is why this approach might still prove itself useful).

Could you please provide more details about your current implementation (and ideally provide a snippet with your code)?