How to make a timepicker in PropertySheet?

I am trying to make a property that allows the user to set a countdown in hours: minutes

I am using code like:

{ view:"property", id:"sets", width:300,
       { label:"123", type:"popup",suggest:{type:"datepicker",body:{format:"%H:%i",type:"time"}}},


however, after select time in the popup window, the selected time does not show up in the property sheet.

timepicker part of code worked without issue if not inside a property sheet, but it seems like I can’t put this editor into property sheet

Hello @hana,
Please note that any Webix popup will be closed by clicking outside it.
The popup editor and, additionally, the popup of the datepicker will behave as two independent popups.
To solve the problem, you can create a custom editor with a customized popup configuration :

  1. Create custom editor cased on “date” which is expanded with new functions. The custom get/setValue methods will define the way the value is passed to editor and applied from it.
  2. Create a custom popup config for the editor: define calendar with type:"time" and use its onChange() event to close the current editor and apply all changes.
  3. Register a custom editor with registerType method
    Check the following snippet: