Is there a way to filter results in a "multiselect" like in a "multicombo" ?

We can filter the results in a “multicombo” with the parameter suggests, by typing in the Input. I’d like the exactly same functionality, but in the “multiselect” component.

I have already tried multicombo without tag and it worked well, but some customers really prefer the multiselect.

Hi @rogerzanelato,
Unfortunately, there is no such possibility.
The multiselect does not have a text input where you can type text.
Could you please tell what does not suit you in multicombo?

I see…

Well, to attend my needs, I just need the Multicombo to display the selected values in the Input as Text separated by “,” not as Tags, and without increasing input’s height.

I know that we can set tags as false and the text displayed will be something like “3 Item(s)”. But I need the values to be show.

If there is no such possibility too, leave the input’s height fixed in Multicombo can also help me.

(i know this use case is a little weird, but it comes from a really old visual habit in the company which is hiring my services)

Unfortunately, it is not possible.

I know that we can set tags as false and the text displayed will be something like “3 Item(s)”. But I need the values to be show.

Right you are. But in this case, it is the only stable way. If you expect a scenario where many records can be selected (with a fixed height to a single line of text), consider using tagMode and tagTemplate.
Also visual style can be changed by changing CSS, for example as the snippet: