HTML tags are coming in Export to excel file

Please check the downloaded Excel file how the data is coming, it is coming with some tags.

How to come out this??
And how to access column(argument in template function) custom configs (which we assigned in columns while creating data table) in template function?? – Please check this case in below snippet.

First of all, I would recommend changing the template in the table:

  • you can declare a custom method in the component’s type so that they will be available in a string template as {} and use it in the template:
    And then you just need to customize the view of the datatable for export to Excel.
    Information about how to solve it you can find here.

Anna, Thanks for reply.

Here the problem is customConfig varies columns wise, each column will have it’s own custom configs and the return value should be HTML same like above snippet.

The reason behind this is we are using webix on-top of Extjs framework

Please note that only specific fields are taken into account in export (such as: width, template, header, width, exportType, exportFormat, footer etc),
Therefore, as a solution, you get the value:


Thanks for your reply