Does the snippet tool switches licenses correctly?

When I switch from PRO to GPL I still can see custom scrollbar. But custom scrollbar is not included in GPL. For example check these snippets:
The license selected is GPL but the scrollbar rendered is custom. Why is this happening?
Thank you

Hi there!
Any updates on this? I am interested not out of sheer curiosity. I am experiencing this issue and I am trying to reproduce it in your snippets tool.
Thank you


The license selected is GPL but the scrollbar rendered is custom. Why is this happening?

The custom scroll isn’t being initialized in these snippets in the first place, so I’m not really sure why you are having this issue. Could you please specify the browser you are trying to test this on (and its version)? Also, could you please try clearing cache and reporting back on your results?

Hi there Dzmitry! Thank you for your response.
Of course I’ve tried clearing my cache and even incognito tab. I am using Chrome latest version (78.0.3904.108).
Based on your reply my best guess is that what I am seeing is not a custom scrollbar but the default one:

But I was totally sure that those macOS-like scrollbar that appears only when scroll event is happening is definitely a Custom Scrollbar and not the default one. On my project using Individual License I am getting a totally different scrollbar.

Based on your reply my best guess is that what I am seeing is not a custom scrollbar but the default one

Well, it does definitely look like a custom scrollbar, all I was trying to say - the Snippet Tool does switch between the licenses correctly, and the following issue shouldn’t occur under normal circumstances.

Could you are please specify the device you are trying to test this on? Also, judging from the recording, you are not using the mouse pointer to scroll horizontally, could you please specify your testing methodology?

On my project using Individual License I am getting a totally different scrollbar.

Do you run your project on the same device or a different one?

Hi Dzmitry!
Looks like you’ve answered my question accidentally :smiley:
I was testing on device running macOS. That is why I was seeing such scrollbar - because this is the default macOS scrollbar. I’ve checked on Windows and I am seeing default Windows scrollbar.
Many thanks!