Zoom on ios

Is it the desired behavior that on https://webix.com/demos/touch/ I can zoom(with pinch) the whole application? (iPhone)

Thanks for the report - it’s an HTML coding problem.
In real applications, it is worth using fullScreen for correct operation.

Thank you! I checked with the following code, but unfortunately it still doesn’t work. (I can still zoom on the IOS devices…)


I can confirm the issue, there is a problem in the test environment.
Could you test locally? It’ll work.

No. It’s not working locally either.

Could you please specify the iPhone model and iOS version?

iPhose 6s
IOS 13.1.2

Hello @lBeJIuk ,
We have run additional tests. And, as a matter of fact, this behavior has appeared since iOS 10 in mobile safari.
As a workaround you can stop pinch-to-zoom with something like this:

document.addEventListener('touchmove', function (event) {
    if (event.scale !== 1) { 
}, { passive: false });