Counting tasks in datatable with specific status

I have datatable with synced data from external database.
Is there any method to get the number of certain “tasks”(rows) which contain specific “status”:

view: “datatable”,
id: “chartTasksList”,
hidden: true,
columns: [
{ id: “id”, hidden: true },
{ id: “name”, header: _(“Название”), fillspace: 1 },
id: “users_id”, header: _(“Пользователь”)//,template:custom_counter
{ id: “date_start”, header: _(“Дата”), fillspace: 1, sort: “date”, format: webix.Date.dateFormatStr },
{ id: “date_end”, header: _(“Дедлайн”), fillspace: 1, sort: “date”, format: webix.i18n.dateFormatStr },
{ id: “notes”, header: _(“Описание”), fillspace: 2 },
{ id: “date_ready”, header: _(“Отправлено”), fillspace: 1, format: webix.i18n.dateFormatStr },
{ id: “status”, header: _(“Статус”) },
{ id: “working_notes”, header: _(“Комментарий”), fillspace: 2 },

try datatable.find method