webix datatable onDataRequest triggering endless time

I have JSON response with multiple rows of records from SQL server, with total records count from the back end. All I need to plug these JSON objects to the webix dataTable, but onDataRequest event is triggering endlessly.

Hence the dataTable renders only one record (first most record) and rendering only the grid borders for the number of records available. As I am new to webix am struggling to fix this onDataRequest event triggering issue.

Please share some fix.

Hello @Jay,

I have JSON response with multiple rows of records from SQL server, with total records count from the back end. All I need to plug these JSON objects to the webix dataTable, but onDataRequest event is triggering endlessly.

Could you please provide an example with your code (preferably via the snippet tool)? Most likely, the datatable isn’t receiving the correct server response (or the configuration on the client-side is wrong). It is hard to tell what the exact reason is, unless we can see a snippet of your code.

Our documentation mentions the correct server response format and the exact server request that is being issued when specifying the url property, please take a look: https://docs.webix.com/desktop__plain_dynamic_loading.html.

Hi Dzmitry,

Happy New Year !!

You spotted the issue, JSON objects from the DB response sending incorrect date format and additional columns which are breaking the HTTP request.

Thanks a lot for giving me the directions, otherwise I would have spent another couple of days with the same fixed mind :slight_smile:
