If list getting updated the not getting list name after getting dirty values of form

Hello Webix Team,
I have a form which contains list and other form component in it. Even after updating list i am not getting list name in object which return by
"$$(“form”).getDirtyValues() ".
How could i get list name in dirty object of form, after updating list?


list itself is not an editor.
do you use custom implementation?
can you create a snippet with this behavior?

@intregal Thank you for the response.


In the above snippet, If click on “Add data” button list item updated and same time set the text box value. On data submit getting the dirty values on console. but showing only text box value not list value. I want to get list attribute as well in dirty object.

Fields are dynamic so can’t take direct value to the list if it is updated

you can not use list this way as editor.
the best way is to implement custom editor.
check this
real implementation will depend on what you want to get

Thanks @intregal