Filter Dataloading Error in Datatable


Take a look at the snippet

perform the actions in below order

1- select a row
2- while the selection is on, filter size for “22” or any other filter that will return a record set

I’ve noticed that there is an error saying “data loading error, checked console for details”. I’ve checked the network, and the filter operation actually returns a valid result set.

The problem goes away if i add a listener to the datatable to clear the selection before the filter operation.

I think this error is not very helpful in finding the exact cause of it. And this appears to be a bug, or am i doing something wrong?

Hello @faseel,
I can confirm the issue. Thank you for the report!

I confirm its already exist in 7.4, simple solution:

onBeforeFilter: function (columnId, value, config) { this.unselectAll(); }