Webix Pro Issues


I just recently upgraded from standard webix ver 5.4.0 to webix pro version 7.0.5.

For some reason, when I upgraded the webix id referral to all components come back as undefined. For ex: console.log($$(“testTextInput”).getValue()) comes back as “Cannot read property ‘getValue’ of undefined”. This was working before and has always worked in previous webix pro versions that I’ve used in the past.

Also, all icons from webix to webix pro are missing. I do not use any custom icons. For ex: the treetable component has the webix_tree_open and webix_tree_folder_open class icons but the icons are not showing.

If I revert back to regular webix, everything works as intended.


Hello @jsnDong,

For ex: console.log($$(“testTextInput”).getValue()) comes back as “Cannot read property ‘getValue’ of undefined”.

Could you provide a snippet? As far as I see, it should work correctly:

Also, all icons from webix to webix pro are missing. I do not use any custom icons.
Starting from version of Webix 6.0 the built-in set of icons was changed with a custom prefix (wxi).
Please read the article.


When I tried in this snippet, it works.
I may have solved the issues but not sure, when I comment out/leave out the import import * as webix from ‘@xbs/webix-pro/webix.js’; from the top of my file, it works fine but if I leave that import line in, all $$("") references to webix components come back as undefined, does not matter what component or which function ie:.getValue(), clearAll(), .show(). Not really sure what is going on. Could it be the webix pro version?

As for the icon, I will take a look at that article.


probably you import webix twice.
maybe manually in index.html or webpack.config

I just checked, and it doesn’t seem like I did.