Add badge to datatable (CSS for badge into the cell)

How can I add a badge to certain table cells?

Actually, I was able to add using
<span class="webix_badge_dt"\\> 2 </span>

and CSS

My problem is that I am unable to set CSS to place the badge in the upper right corner of the cell.
And, this is very critical, when reducing the width of the column, the badge was displayed in the same cell where it was inserted (now it is generally displayed on the wrong line).

here is an example - there are a lot of bells and whistles, but all this is not so important. It is important that the badge be in the upper right corner of the cell and not be lost when the cell size is reduced.
_Another solution_ Is it possible that the problem can be solved by setting CSS for specific cells using dtable.addCellCss ()?

p.s. перевёл на английский через google-translate, надеюсь, смысл остался понятен.

Found a solution.

Thanks to this message from intregal, one of the solutions is to wrap the contents of the cell in a div with position: relative