Query about lazy loading or pagination in spreadsheet view in Webix

Is there any provision for lazy loading spreadsheet view in webix? If, there is any provision then please enlighten me by providing relevant examples.

Hello @suman2020,
Unfortunatly not, there is no way to use lazy loading. So all data must be loaded at once.
Please check documentation for more information about Spreadsheet data loading:

Thanks, @annazankevich

@annazankevich If 30k+ data is loaded at once will the efficiency will be hampered?


If 30k+ data is loaded at once will the efficiency will be hampered?

Loading time depends on the data. For example, if the data is with many styles, then loading data will be slower. If loading without styles, then everything should be instantaneous.
Also,it depends on how the data is loaded. Please check the following thread : https://forum.webix.com/discussion/36569/bolshoy-obem-dannyh-large-amount-of-data#latest

So here’s what you can do to improve the speed:

  • try to delete styles before analyzing data: Code Snippet
  • convert your .xls to a .csv file format or a JSON on the server side, and only then load the data into your spreadsheet, it should be faster.